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TSC Peer Review - Timetable

Dates for reviews including data sharing, review date, workshop, impact review and ICs assigned.

TSC Peer Review - IC Contact Details

Contact details for those staff that have been training as ICs.

TSC Peer Review Documents

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TSC Additional Documentation

These documents are stored on a OneDrive rather than the wesite and can be viewed and downloaded but not edited as a live document. They are password protected for copyright reasons.

TSC Peer to Peer Review - SPP Handbook (Sep '22)

TSC Peer to Peer Review - Training Material

Unzipped folder containing material to train Headteachers and Improvement Champions.

TSC Peer to Peer Review - Training Material (.ZIP)

As above but zipped file for download.

The principles of peer review

The TSC Peer Review process is based on the Schools Partnership Programme (SPP) framework and the belief that the best form of support is rigorous and timely, provides valuable challenge focused on improvement and is led by trusted and highly regarded peers.

All schools in the partnership are expected to take part on an annual basis with the process being:

  • reciprocal and mutually beneficial
  • a joint exercise between the review team and the school
  • based on principles of genuine professional dialogue and enquiry
  • a powerful model of professional development
  • part of an ongoing, self-directed process of scrutiny, reflection, challenge and improvement

This approach is underpinned by a coaching model of change, improvement and professional dialogue and enquiry designed to build trust and collective accountability across the partnership. The peer review cycle provides an opportunity to identify inspiring, excellent and effective practice, as well as areas for development. It will, therefore, be followed up by planned workshops with Improvement Champions who facilitate action planning with school staff and collaborative school-to-school support. These process builds on skills developed through self-review and will further enhance both individuals’ skills and the capability and capacity of the partnership to be self-improving.

More detail on the five stages of peer review are outlined in document below and are included in Appendix 1 of our Peer to Peer file of evidence proforma.

  • Stage 1: Plan the review
  • Stage 2: The review
  • Stage 3: Feedback
  • Stage 4: School-to-School support and learning
  • Stage 5: Impact assessment
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