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Tiptree & Stanway Primary Schools Consortium (TSC)

Aspiring for Excellence in all our Schools

Tiptree & Stanway Consortium - Constitution

Tiptree & Stanway Consortium - Aims

i. To respond to future challenges, developments and opportunities together.

ii. To accept joint responsibility for the education and welfare of the children in our schools by supporting each other in providing high academic standards, a place for children to learn & thrive and where Headteachers feel supported; minimising a school’s risk of low achievement.

iii. To provide an induction process for new Headteachers.  

iv. To benefit from combined expertise, knowledge, energy, enthusiasm and experience – both formally through the Consortium Peer Reviews and informally.  

v. To provide joint training/functions as a Consortium or as a cluster within the Consortium as required.  

vi. To provide economies of scale when purchasing services etc.

vii. To have forums for discussion about common issues. viii. To retain the services of a Business & Finance Manager, Support Manager and/or Administration Assistant who know our schools well and act on our behalf. (May need to be reworded following outcome of discussions regarding staffing) 

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