Focus for each event |
Outline of training |
Location |
Time |
Date |
Consortium Showcase and Conversations with Ofsted
2025 updates and Ofsted expectations
Layer Primary |
6:30pm to 8:30pm Showcase 7.15pm to 8.30pm |
07/10/2024 |
Effective Governor Visits |
Aligned to start of academic year and SDP KPIs
Layer Primary |
6:30pm to 7:15pm TS Consortium Leaders talk from 7.45pm to 8.00pm |
Monitoring Finance and Resources |
Aligned to preparing for budget setting
Layer Primary |
Start- 6.30pm to 7.15pm Coffee talk from 7.15pm to 8.00pm |
Supporting Governors and the Communities they Serve
Chaired by Linda Robinson, with extensive experience as a Chair of Governors in maintained and special needs schools, the TSC governors’ event is the opportunity for governors to meet and share their knowledge and experience of governing. Each event will include a 45-minute training session to support governors in developing their role. This will be followed by coffee talk and time for governors to share solutions, discuss what is going well, what concerns governors have and how coming together as volunteers can benefit the communities they serve.
Linda has been a governor and chair of governors since 2009 in a maintained school and Special Needs School.
This includes extensive experience as a member and chair of statutory and voluntary interim executive boards, working alongside educational professionals, local authority leadership, CEOs and Headteachers across all phases. This includes regular commissions to carry out external reviews of governance for MATs and single maintained schools.
Linda has previous experience as an NLG, having been appointed by the NCTL in 2015 and the NGA in 2021. Linda is currently a governance advisor, coach and mentor to a MAT and maintained and Diocese schools across Essex.
Voluntary roles include being a member of the Essex Education Taskforce. (EETF) This is a DFE funded initiative to strategically support education services considering the impact of the pandemic. Linda represents “the voice of governance” on the taskforce. The Year of Reading project was our first initiative delivered in 2021/2022 and will continue as it has been a very successful project. This will now be followed by The Year of Numbers project being launched for the 2023/2024 academic year.
Linda has experience of being a Trustee within a MAT (secondary and primary) Including, leading on the academy conversion processes in an advisory role and is invited to present at governor networking events and conferences.
Linda creates and delivers be-spoke governance training programmes to all phases via webinars and face to face both locally and nationally.
Professional qualifications include a BSc Open Degree, focusing upon social sciences and childhood and youth studies.
This is supported by regular CPD training delivered by the NGA and ECSB to keep up to date with safeguarding, statutory compliance, educational development, and governance matters.